A Wonderful Work
a witness of Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the ascended masters by Maria de Lourdes Campos

       The first time I met Mother, she confirmed my mission and that confirmation has stayed so deep in my heart. It was Christmastime 1976. Camelot was closing and Mother had come to bless a sanctuary that was staying open in California. She invited each of us to put a straw in the manger of baby Jesus. As I walked up to the altar, our eyes locked into each other and I felt a deep soul connection.
    After the ceremony was over, Mother walked outside. I felt the urge to follow her but my human reasoning was telling me that I didn't know her and had nothing to say to her. Still, I followed her and went and stood in front of her.
   "I love you Mother," is all I could say.
   "I love you too," she replied.
   "I love you Mother," I said again.
   "Yes, I love you too she said." I could tell she was getting impatient for me to get to my point.
   "I have a burden in my heart," I said.
   "Why?" she asked.
   "I have a burden for my people."
   "What do you want to do with them?" she asked.
   "I want to educate the children and the parents, and now that I know the teachings, I want to educate them with that too."
    After I said that, Mother walked away. I couldn't bear it, so I followed right behind.
    She turned around so solid, so strong in her eyes and her words came out like fire. "It is a wonderful work you are going to be doing over there," she said.
    A few years later, Mother called me and said, "I want you to leave whatever else you are doing and come to the Ranch for a year. I will prepare you for your mission." I came to the Ranch and received the opportunity to learn about the most recent accelerated learning and Montessori techniques. Mother also told me one day that if you take the word "Ecuador" and move it around, you get the word "educador," spanish for educator. Today, I continue striving to make this calling come true, and everywhere I go, I feel like a missionary for Mother.