Copyright © 2006 Larry Stanley


                                                   Building Community

   There are many youtube sites that now share the teachings of Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The following web sites were developed by devoted students of Mark and Mother who cultivate a personal relationship with the ascended masters and strive to promote their teachings online or in their local community, as a love offering to the Great White Brotherhood. These are just a few.

Summit Lighthouse~the official organization where you can find Mark and Mother's teachings

Rise and Shine~Start your day with beautiful decrees led by Mother and magnificent visualizations

Ascended Master Index~All you need to know about the ascended masters and the path of your ascension
Experience a Violet Flame Miracle~ Find out what the violet flame will do for you and give a mantra each night
Contact Your Higher Self ~ Teachings on mysticism, God within, the ascension and Jesus' Eastern and Western mission
Ascended Master Teachings in the Bible ~ Thorough research on ascended master concepts in the Bible, inspired by teachings from Mark and Mother
The Golden Pathway~ Beautiful and inspiring teachings from members of the Summit Lighthouse

Cosmic Portals~ Music of the Spheres dictated though Mother Mary to Dorothy Lee Fulton, Messenger of Music and close friend to Mark and Mother. Includes beautiful pieces that anchor the presence of ascended masters, buddhas and angels.
Mother Caspari ~ A web site dedicated to the faith and teachings of Mother Caspari, close friend of Elizabeth Clare Prophet and her mentor, Maria Montessori
Sanat Kumara ~ A web site for lightbearers worldwide
Etheric Retreats
~Visit the temples of the heaven world
Spiritual Awareness Fellowship~Ministering to Chicago and beyond
All for the Love of God~an account of Mark Prophet by Alex and Margaret Reichardt to dictations by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and find many other teachings


                                                     Spiritual Lineage

   The activities founded by Mother and Mark come from a long lineage of activities sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood. More information about previous dispensations can be found on the sites posted below. These links are only intended to help expand your research on the Great White Brotherhood and to provide a historical frame of reference. The fact that Mark and Mother often referred to some of the books or teachings available on these sites does not mean that all of the material was fully reviewed or endorsed.

I AM Movement~ Previous dispensation sponsored by Saint Germain with teachings on the violet flame and the science of the spoken word. Includes landmark books Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence, perfect for beginners on the path
Bridge to Freedom~ Previous dispensation of the Great white Brotherhood, includes works by Werner Shroeder that compile decades of ascended master dictations
Blavatsky~ A site focused on Madame Blavatsky and her teaching
Theosophy books~ Landmark books by Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater for the spiritual seeker, including The Masters and the Path
Agni Yoga ~ Fiery spiritual gems delivered through Helena Roerich like Leaves of Morya's Garden, Heart, Community and Brotherhood.
Nicholas Roerich ~ An extensive collection of mystical paintings by Russian Master Nicholas Roerich and Agni Yoga books
Self Realization Fellowship ~Organization founded by Paramahansa Yogananda, sponsored by Babaji and the Eastern lineage of the Great White Brotherhood

   Mother and Mark also extensively taught on the Bible, the Gnostic gospels, the Jewish Kabbalah, the Hindu Vedas, the writings of Buddha, Confucius, Zoroaster, Phylos the Tibetan, Charles Leadbeater and many saints of East and West including St. Therese of Lisieux, Padre Pio, Thomas A. Kempis, St. John of the Cross, and Ramakrishna. They mentioned the works of Corinne Heline, Taylor Caldwell, Edgar Cayce, Baird Spalding and others.